Volunteer Jobs

Below is a list of volunteer jobs. Every job may not be needed for every show.

  • Before The Competition
    • Work Days: Any day before the event can be a work day, as there is always something to do such as  mowing, weed whacking, painting jumps and more   However, the week before is crunch time and the following jobs are usually done on these days.
    • Weekend Before: Setting dressage rings and grounds prep.
    • Monday: Prepare stalls, stall cards & take bedding to off grounds stabling (if necessary).
    • Tuesday: Set dressage rings & flag & number the cross country courses.
    • Wednesday: Set the stadium course.
    • Thursday: “Fluff ‘n stuff day” (decorate the cross country course).
    • Friday: Final preparations & airport runs to pick up officials.
    • “Adopt a Fence” Program is where a person or a group of people can adopt a fence or group of fences & prepare it for the event. Basically, you will be responsible for making it “look good” for the event which could include a fresh coat of stain, weed whacking, adding mulch, flowers, plants. Maps & a list of fences will be listed on the website.
  • During The Competition

    • Secretary: Needs to be available on Fri (recognized events only) & Sat to hand out packets and answer questions.
    • Greeters: Need to be available on Fri (recognized events) or Sat (Mini Trials) to meet competitors in the stabling area & assist them in locating their stalls, parking, how to find their way around the farm etc.
    • Announcers
    • Dressage – Chief Dressage Steward: Responsible for the running of the dressage phase.
      •Bit Check & warm up stewards
      •Score runners
    • Stadium – Chief Stadium Steward: Responsible for the running of the stadium jumping phase.
      •Jump Crew
      •Paddock/warm up steward
      •In gate
      •Score runners
    • Cross Country – Chief Cross Country Steward: Responsible for the running of the cross country phase. •Jump judges
      •Score collectors
      •Paddock/warm up steward
      •Pinny collectors
    • Hospitality: To make sure that the volunteers and officials have food & drinks.
    • Parking Attendant: Help direct trailers & spectators.